SIUF2024 Yusuf Dohadwala:The platform gives us an opportunity to find new materials, products, new connections of suppliers
2024-04-19 23:16
來源: 深圳新聞網

SIUF2024 Yusuf Dohadwala:The platform gives us an opportunity to find new materials, products, new connections of suppliers

深圳新聞網2024年4月19日訊(記者 朱煒明 牛耘)4月19日,2024中國內衣文化周暨第十九屆中國國際品牌內衣展(以下簡稱“SIUF”)在深圳福田會展中心盛大啟幕。本屆展會以“樂起東方 匠新致尚”為主題,吸引超過1500家行業品牌參展,展覽面積近10萬平方米,超15個產業集群組團參與,累計舉辦主題活動超50場次。

展會期間,印度內衣協會會長Yusuf Dohadwala接受深圳新聞網記者專訪。

Yusuf Dohadwala:I've been visiting this show for ten years and it is a fantastic platform for the end entire underwear industry. It started as a small show in to upgrade the China's underwear industry. But today the world is coming to China to the underwear SIUF show to source materials to finish comments, look at what brands innovations are happening. So it's a fantastic platform for the entire underwear industry of the world.

The platform gives us an opportunity to find new materials, products, new connections of suppliers. Even the U30 which is a very good initiative taken by SIUF where you meet leaders together under one platform. So I think it's a fantastic platform and we look forward to visiting the show every year.

Yusuf Dohadwala:我已經參加這個展覽十年了,它是整個內衣行業的絕佳平臺。它最初只是一場提升中國內衣行業的小型展會。但今天,全世界都來中國參加內衣秀,尋找材料,發表評論,看看哪些品牌的創新正在發生。因此,它是全世界內衣行業的絕佳平臺。


[編輯:田晨夕 吳沁彤] [責任編輯:李揚]