SIUF2024 Edith Keller:We will always have to promote creativity
2024-04-19 23:17
來源: 深圳新聞網

SIUF2024 Edith Keller:We will always have to promote creativity

深圳新聞網2024年4月19日訊(記者 朱煒明 牛耘)4月19日,2024中國內衣文化周暨第十九屆中國國際品牌內衣展(以下簡稱“SIUF”)在深圳福田會展中心盛大啟幕。本屆展會以“樂起東方 匠新致尚”為主題,吸引超過1500家行業品牌參展,展覽面積近10萬平方米,超15個產業集群組團參與,累計舉辦主題活動超50場次。

展會期間,Carlin CEO Edith Keller接受深圳新聞網記者專訪。


Edith Keller: There are several way to see it. Firstly on the product. Chinese market has a great awareness of all innovations available and do a great job on this part. Then technology and Artificial Intelligence must be used for production(optimization and stocks and sustainability), the main focus for the upcoming years is here. It can also be used and change a lot of things in Marketing field.

Edith Keller:有幾個方面:首先是產品。中國市場對創新有很高的認識,在這方面做得很好。其次,技術和人工智能必須用于生產(優化、庫存和可持續性),未來幾年的主要焦點在這里,它也可以在市場營銷領域使用和改變很多事情。


Edith Keller: That's a great chance to work with such a united industry than Chinese Lingerie. This collaborative approach is very worthy and offers great opportunities.

My main suggestion would be to never forget the product. We must talk about innovation, sustainability, business model etc but we must keep in mind that our clients will always fall in love with the product. And we will always have to promote creativity.

Edith Keller:這是一次集結中國內衣行業的絕佳時機。這種合作方式非常有價值,并且提供了巨大的機會。我的主要建議是永遠不要忘記產品。我們必須談論創新、可持續性、商業模式等,但我們必須記住,我們的客戶要永遠愛上我們的產品。我們需要一直保持創造力。


Edith Keller: We are enthusiastic! SIUF is the reference fair when it comes to the industry we are all passionate about: lingerie. We are honored to spend 3 days meeting creativity and innovation with all the industry leaders.

Edith Keller:我們充滿期待!談到我們都熱愛的行業——內衣,SIUF是一個值得關注的展會。我們很榮幸能夠花3天的時間與所有的行業同仁一起討論創意和創新。

[編輯:田晨夕 吳沁彤] [責任編輯:李揚]